SPAM – How to fight sms and email spam


SPAM! I hate it.

We all hate spam. It clogs your inbox with promises of satisfying your partner, making you rich or satisfying your partner (yes that was an intentional double)

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) are the go-to people to see about spam. Be it on your home phone, mobile or internet.

In the last week I’ve received a stack of spam from a company called One Of The Best. In fact, I’ve found them to be one of the worst! I never signed up to receive emails from this company. AKA they are sending unsolicited emails to me. I’ve tried to unsubscribe via their link & also by sending emails. The contact us section does not work on their website.

When I click on the unsubscribe button it takes me to a page where i can see that I was signed up on the 29th April 2015 at 838am. It’s there in black and white that I did not sign up and that they had imported my email address.

So what did I do & what can you do?

Here’s a little from the ACMA website to assist you in resolving your complaints.


You may lodge a formal written complaint to the ACMA. Probably the best way to report the worst Australian companies that breach the Spam Act.


It is now easier than ever to report spam email and SMS messages you receive. You can do this quickly and easily in two ways:

  • For SMS, forward the message to the Spam SMS service on 0429 999 888. Side note: We’ve written another article about SMS spam here.

    (You will be billed the standard rate charged by your mobile phone provider for sending an SMS message)

  • For email, forward the message to the Spam Intelligence Database at

Bridge IT can help too! We have a world class spam filter that we can run all your emails through. As at 1st January 2017 we can supply this service for $165/year and it filters up to 98% of spam and viruses before they reach your inbox. There is no limit to the amount of email addresses. It’s one flat fee! We also provide you with a web portal so you can see all filtered messages and release any false positives.